Silver Star "Originator" Metal Belt Buckle

Silver Star "Originator" Metal Belt Buckle Reviews

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Silver Star Casting Company provides the latest clothing accessories. They invest a tremendous amount of time and energy to ensure that our unique product design remains on the cutting edge, while at the same time, continues the originality that customers have come to expect. As a result each piece of jewelry is custom-casted and made from America's finest sterling silver. The strength of the Silver Star brand is widely recognized by numerous celebrities with a unique style and an innovative fashion sense including Paris Hilton, Sen Dog of Cypress Hill, Dennis Rodman, Lit, CharisB Miss February for Playboy, Ludacris, Papa Roach, Kim Caldwell, Fergie of the Black Eyed Peas, Ashley Simpson, Jose Conseco, Carey Hart, Seth Enslow, Twitch, and many more.

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Feb 17, 2011 20:52:14


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